I want to create a scatter chart using Igniteui chart and I would like to have timeSpan for xAxis. What is the best way to show that ?
I found that scatter does not support
Do you have any idea how to show price an dtimeSpan in one chart ? I need plot chart
Hi Ellie,
It is true that categoryDateTimeX axis is not supported on scatter series. For all the supported types please refer to
Regarding your question about showing price in timespan - please provide more details on the scenario and the desired result, because it is not completely clear. Basically you should not have issues with displaying price since it is expected to come as number values.
You can check our online scatter series samples at http://www.igniteui.com/data-chart/scatter-series
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
The other problem which I have got is that I can not add legend according to the different Period types .
Any idea about that ?
Hi Hristo
Thank you for your reply.
I want to show some price on timeSpan .All data are filtered for a specific day and I want to have scatter chart showing price on timeSpan. I also need to show legend .
I have an array and every item in my array is like this:
{ "id": "21", "Period": "Day-ahead", "Volume": "30", "Price": "14.6", "Date": "03/08/2016", "Time": "15:31:10", }
I want to show scatter for different periods according to price and time
here is the sample I created in excel.