What is the best way to accomplish this:
The user would like to have each row in the grid validated if any of the columns in the row do not pass they want to highlight the row and show the offending colums by placing a red asterisk next to the value.
Hello John,
I prepared a sample that demonstrates how to highlight specific row when certain cell value from this row is not valid. The sample is attached for your reference.
If you have further questions, please let me know.
Is there anyway to trigger the validation on the databind?
What do you mean on databind? Do you mean on dataBound event or calling dataBind API? Please give me more details around your idea and what exactly you're trying to achieve.
The validation in igGrid happens when you want to update the already displayed data. By default igValidator works with the grid editors. Essentially the igDataSource is validated internally insofar as it covers the respective data schema, however there is no other explicit validation before or during databinding, that may be done using igValidator. If you want to validate your data, you should do it before binding it to the igGrid, since the grid is only a component for displaying data and not validating it.
If I can provide you with further assistance, please let me know.
I am importing a an excel work book into the igGrid. I would like to run the validation on each row after the data is displayed. If any of the rows do not pass validation I would like to:
Disable row selection until the columns are updated to pass validation and also mark the columns that are invalid in red. I would like to apply a css class to the invalid cells that would display the text in red colored font.
I am not sure which event to use to trigger this action. Is there any documentation on the events that show the order they are fired?