I have a combo drop down configured in a grid.
My requirement is that when the editor is opened that it display an empty value instead of the first item in the list. Is there a setting or easy way to to do this?
I don't like the solution that I have come up with which is adding a empty element to the data source that is bound to the combo.
Found my own answer instead of using "mode:combo" change that setting to "buttonType: dropdown",
columnKey: "CategoryID", editorType: 'combo', required: true, editorOptions: { buttonType: "dropdown",
//mode: "dropdown", dropDownOnFocus : true, autoSelectFirstMatch : false, closeDropDownOnBlur: true, dataSource: northWindCategoriesJSON, textKey: "Name", valueKey: "ID" } }
Hello John,
Thank you for sharing this with the community.
I am glad that you have managed to resolve this.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Please provide isolated sample repicating your issue and excel file.
Looking foward for hearing from you.
I am importing data into my grid from an excel spreadsheet. My drop down boxes are not holding the value of the data that is imported. If I click on the row edit it and select a value it holds the value the next time I select the row. It seems like the data is not being saved in the grid after it is imported. How can I save the data in the grid before I edit the first row.