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Stacked column chart angularjs

Hi All,

I have tried to get the stacked column chart to work but simply can't I have looked at these examples

but none of these work in angular. Here is what the code looks like in my controller of my view. I have used the line and column charts fine but the stacked column just does not work, the code for the stack column, namely the series creation I have taken from the examples provided.

module XXApp {
    export class ChartController {
        loading: boolean;
        proportionCost: IProportion[];
        error: string;
        chartData: any[];
        loadedData: any[];
        chartShown: boolean;
        chartTitle: string;
        public static $inject = ["$q", "$state", 'referenceService', 'chartService'];
        constructor(private $q: ng.IQService, private $state: ng.ui.IStateService, private referenceService: ReferenceService, private chartService: ChartService) {
            this.loadedData = [];
            this.chartData = [];
            this.chartShown = false;
             this.proportionCost = [];
            this.chartService.getProportions().then((success) => {
                this.proportionCost = success;
            }, (error) => {
                this.error = error;
            }).finally(() => {
                this.loading = false;
            this.chartData = this.proportionCost;
        showChart() {
            this.chartTitle = "XXX";
            this.chartShown = true;
        generateCategoryXChart() {
                width: "100%",
                height: "480px",
                dataSource: this.chartData,
                windowResponse: "immediate",
                axes: [
                        name: "XAxisPoint",
                        type: "categoryX",
                        title: "Vessel Type",
                        label: "Category",
                        labelTextStyle: "8pt Roboto",
                        gap: 1,
                        name: "YAxisPoint",
                        type: "numericY",
                        title: "Percentage",
                        titleAngle: -90,
                series: [function () {
                    var seriesObj = {
                        name: "parent",
                        xAxis: "XAxisPoint",
                        yAxis: "YAxisPoint",
                        type: "stackedColumn",
                        outline: "transparent",
                        radius: "0",
                        series: [{
                            name: "Crew",
                            title: "Crew",
                            type: "stackedFragment",
                            showTooltip: true,
                            tooltipTemplate: "Crew",
                            valueMemberPath: "Crew",
                    return seriesObj;
                }() ],
        buildChart() {
    angular.module('app').controller('ChartController', ChartController);
The series weirdness gives this error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error TS2345 Argument of type '{ [x: number]: undefined; width: string; height: string; dataSource: any[]; windowResponse: strin...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. 

Please can someone assist or provide an example angularjs application where a stacked column this is used.

kind regards,
  • 845
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Anne,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!

    Here is a sample stacked bar chart using the AngularJs wrappers:

    Feel free to contact me for additional information.

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