Hello i have beenn trying to develop something wich behaves like a igHierarchicalGrid in that it can be colapsed but show's extra data about the object and not a collection of related object's has it seems to be the general use of igHierarchicalGrid.
Above i have an image that show's what i'm trying to achieve, i'm not sure igHierarchicalGrid is the tool for the job, i will also include some data to show what kid of aproach i was taking.
<div id="hierarchicalGrid"></div>
<!-- Template da Coluna Favoritos --><script id="colServico" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Servico}</div> </div></script>
<script id="colMarcadoPara" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${MarcadoPara}</div> </div></script>
<script id="colSenha" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Senha}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Doentes --><script id="colNumero" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Numero}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Especialidade/Ato/Medico --><script id="colDoente" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Doente}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Marcacao --><script id="colAto" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Ato}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Marcacao --><script id="colEstado" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Estado}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Marcacao --><script id="col1Vez" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${1Vez}</div> </div></script>
<!-- Template da Coluna Marcacao --><script id="colData" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl"> <div class="text-center"> <div class="g-text g-text-12">${Data}</div> </div></script>
var jsonData = { "d": [{ "Numero": "HS-444702", "Doente": "José António Carvalho Melo", "Ato": "Consulta Pré-Operatório (17010)", "Estado": "MARCADO", "1Vez": "S", "Data": "2016-07-01", "Servico": "40031", "MarcadoPara": "Adilia Rebelo", "Senha": "", "Servico": "Cardiologia", "Responsavel": "935601 Serviço Nacional de Saúde", "Observações": "*Marcação Automática na sequência de marcação médica*", "Quantidade": "1", "ServicoInternamento": "Cro - Piso 2 - Int." }, { "Numero": "HS-444702", "Doente": "José António Carvalho Melo", "Ato": "Consulta Pré-Operatório (17010)", "Estado": "MARCADO", "1Vez": "S", "Data": "2016-07-01", "Servico": "40031", "MarcadoPara": "Adilia Rebelo", "Senha": "", "Servico": "Cardiologia", "Responsavel": "935601 Serviço Nacional de Saúde", "Observações": "*Marcação Automática na sequência de marcação médica*", "Quantidade": "1", "ServicoInternamento": "Cro - Piso 2 - Int." }, { "Numero": "HS-444702", "Doente": "José António Carvalho Melo", "Ato": "Consulta Pré-Operatório (17010)", "Estado": "MARCADO", "1Vez": "S", "Data": "2016-07-01", "Servico": "40031", "MarcadoPara": "Adilia Rebelo", "Senha": "", "Servico": "Cardiologia", "Responsavel": "935601 Serviço Nacional de Saúde", "Observações": "*Marcação Automática na sequência de marcação médica*", "Quantidade": "1", "ServicoInternamento": "Cro - Piso 2 - Int." }] };
$("#hierarchicalGrid").igHierarchicalGrid({ dataSource: jsonData, dataSourceType: "json", responseDataKey: "d", width: "100%", height: "100%", localSchemaTransform: false, autoGenerateColumns: false, autoGenerateLayouts: false, primaryKey: "Numero", odata: true, features: [{ name: "RowSelectors", inherit: true, enableCheckBoxes: true, enableRowNumbering: false }, { name: "Selection", mode: "row", multipleSelection: true }], rowExpanding: function (evt, args) { evt.preventDefault(); }, rowCollapsing: function (evt, args) { evt.preventDefault(); }, columns: [{ headerText: 'Numero', key: "Numero", width: "6%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colNumero").html() }, { headerText: "Doente", key: "Doente", width: "34%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colDoente").html() }, { headerText: 'Ato', key: "Ato", width: "24%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colAto").html() }, { headerText: 'Estado', key: "Estado", width: "6%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colEstado").html() }, { headerText: '1Vez', key: "1Vez", width: "3%", dataType: "string", template: $("#col1Vez").html() }, { headerText: 'Data', key: "Data", width: "6%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colData").html() }, { headerText: 'Servico', key: "Servico", width: "6%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colServico").html() }, { headerText: 'MarcadoPara', key: "MarcadoPara", width: "13%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colMarcadoPara").html() }, { headerText: 'Senha', key: "Senha", width: "6%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colSenha").html() }], columnLayouts: [{ key: "Numero", width: "100%", height: "100%", showHeader: false, childrenDataProperty: "Numero", localSchemaTransform: false, autoGenerateColumns: false, primaryKey: "Numero", columns: [ { headerText: '', key: "Doente", width: "50%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colDoente").html() }, { headerText: '', key: "Servico", width: "50%", dataType: "string", template: $("#colServico").html() }] }] });
My question is:
Is igHierarchicalGrid the right tool for the job, and if not what do you recomend I use?
Hello Miguel,
Can you please attach the photo once again because something has gone wrong and I cannot see it? Add the picture to a .zip archive. To upload it to your message press Options, next to the Compose button on the top, click Add/Update and choose the archive.
Regards,Ivaylo HubenovEntry-level developer
just updated my post, thank you for your time.