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Ig grid multi select with knockout

I would like to use mutli select with checkboxes functionality of ig grid with knockout. In my collection of records i have observable called "selected". I want to know how i can tie this observable with ig gird multi select so if someone select/unselect the row this observable will also change and if I modify this observable it select/unselect the row. Also i want to implement the same for select all checkbox.


  • 5513
    Offline posted

    Hello Manish,

    There is no built-in functionality that ties the selected rows with a property from a KO model. However, using igGridSelection's events and API you can implement it yourself. I am attaching a sample showing one way this can be achieved. Another way could be specifying the selected observable as computed, then implementing a getter that asks Selection if the specific row is selected and a setter that uses Selection's API to select the row, essentially leaving Selection as the only holder of the actual selected value for each row.

    I hope this helps! Thank you for using Infragistics forums!

    Best regards,

    Stamen Stoychev
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