There is no option with installer. I need the updated MVC dlls.
The nuget package won't install because of a problem with a dependency. Please add the installer option to the downloads.
Hi Tone,
Could you please let me know what is the type of project where you need to upgrade (is it Asp Net Core or Asp MVC) and also the error that you receive when trying to update through nugget.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I am glad that you have managed to resolve the issue.
Regarding the [GridDataSourceAction] decorator - I tested that in a sample and it seemed to be working fine. IN order to investigate this further, please let me know the error that you receive, and all details on the scenario that would help me reproduce the error on my end.
I also verified that all the bugs linked to your cases are already fixed and the latest SR 2040 contains those fixes. Please let me know if you are still experiencing issues with those or if they are resolved after upgrading to 2040.
Details to reproduce have been added to CASE: CAS-178607-D5H8L6
Hello Dr Tone,
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance with this matter.
Yes, I figured that out this morning. The installer version of SR 2040 wasn't initially released so the Nuget package was all that was available.
I’ve looked into the details of the case. It seems that you’re trying to apply the nuget package to a MVC5 project.
That would not work as the nuget package is made to work with ASP.NET Core MVC (MVC6), which has a very different structure and dependencies than what is available in a MVC 5 app.
If you’re aiming to migrate an existing MVC5 app to MVC6 you can refer to the following topic regarding migration:
I’ve created a sample for your reference that uses MVC6 with a similar setup.
Please refer to the sample and let me know if you have any issues running it on your side.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Infragistics, Inc.