Hi All
I am using igDataChart i have to generate image or pint option using the below code.
var pngImage = $(".selector").igDataChart("exportImage");
but i can't able to use the legend div please check the screen sort and update to me.
Thanks in advance
The datachart is a canvas element which is in the selector class , but the legend item is in separate table/div outside the scope of the selector class(in which the data chart resides). So when you export datachart as an image it doesn't include the legend div.
I'm trying to extract the canvas of the legend and convert it into image, I'm still trying to find a work around for it.
Phani is right about the two separate containers of the DataChart and legend. The method ExportImage will export only the chart element, although it will not suite your entire needs, so using of the 3rd party library html2canvas is a good alternative.
Hello Phani kay,
Thanks for your reply,If you got the solution please update to me.