i have a problem with german localization. Paging in the grid does'nt work any more when i set AutoDetectLocale(true).
The selection of the page size isn't working any more.
I have downloaded the latest version of Igniteui and modified the sample file Infragistics\2016.2\Ignite UI\Samples\IgniteUI.SamplesBrowser\Views\Loader\aspnet-mvc-helper.cshtml in this way:
@(Html.Infragistics() .Loader() .ScriptPath(Url.Content("~/igniteui/js/")) .CssPath(Url.Content("~/igniteui/css/")) .Resources("igGrid.*") .AutoDetectLocale(true) .Render() )
@(Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model).ID("grid").AutoGenerateColumns(false).Columns(column => { column.For(x => x.ID).HeaderText("ID").Width("100px"); column.For(x => x.ProductName).HeaderText("Name").Width("200px"); column.For(x => x.QuantityPerUnit).HeaderText("Quantity").Width("200px"); column.For(x => x.UnitPrice).HeaderText("Price").DataType("number").Format("currency").Width("130px"); }) .Features(features => { features.Sorting().Mode(SortingMode.Multiple); features.Paging(); }) .Height("400") .DataBind() .Render() )
AutoDetectLocale will work in U.S. I have changed it to
@(Html.Infragistics() .Loader() .ScriptPath(Url.Content("~/igniteui/js/")) .CssPath(Url.Content("~/igniteui/css/")) .Resources("igGrid.*") //.AutoDetectLocale(true) .Regional("de") .Locale("de") .Render() )
Any change in this combobox is ignored:
Hello sbomholt,
I tested grid with German locale and regional settings and Paging works properly on my side. The issue may occur due to the version of the product. Which is the version you're currently using? Also I've attached a sample in this thread for your reference. The sample is created using jQuery widget instead with MVC wrapper, but I believe that the technology doesn't matter in this case.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
Hello Tsanna,
sorry for my late response. I have downloaded the latest version and changed one of your examples. This changes i have sent you in my support case. Replace this one file in your sample website and it doesn't work.
Greetings Stephan
I didn't receive any attachment from you either here or in the support ticket. Please attach the respective file here in the forum thread if it doesn't exceed the allowed size.
after upgrading to the the latest version, it seems from last week, the error went away.
Thanks for your support.
I believe that the reason Paging doesn't work properly on your side when applying different language settings than the default ones is the version of the product you're using. Probably there was a problem before, but now Paging with German localization works properly with the last service release of v16.2. I'm attaching a MVC project sample which is isolated from the IgniteUI samples browser project, so that it could be run seamlessly. Please run the sample on your side and keep in mind that it runs against v16.2.2141 of the igniteui product. If you have any problems, please let me know.
Your sample won't work because i have no SQL-Express and your URLs to the scripts are broken....
I tried to reproduce your issue on a local sample and it seems to be working. Could you please share some information about the environment you are reproducing this such as: Ignite UI version, jQuery and jQuery UI versions and browser. I’m also attaching my sample. Feel free to modify it so it demonstrates the issue and return it to me. (GridChaining\DefinedColumns.cshtml is where I did my testing)
Kind regards, Petko Zhekov Software Developer
you have received a file in the support ticket last week. And now you have access to the whole solution, which is the Igniteui-Samples-Solution from version 16.2. I have modified one cshtml-file only... see above my first post. There are the path to the file and the changes...
In addition i have attached and attach now a little screencast.