The header is duplicating 3 times on my grid. I cannot seem to prevent this. I am using Infragistics 2016.2 and AngularJS. Its pretty simple. It binds to a variable in scope that is called Holdings. What would cause the duplicates?
<div class="col-md-8">
<ig-grid id="grid1"
<column key="Manager" header-text="Manager" width="150px" data-type="string"></column>
<column key="PortfolioId" header-text="PortfolioId" width="150px" data-type="string"></column>
<column key="RankInPortfolio" header-text="Rank" width="150px" data-type="string"></column>
<column key="PctEquity" header-text="% Equity" width="150px" data-type="string"></column>
<column key="SharesHeld" header-text="Shares" width="150px" data-type="number"></column>
<column key="AverageCostLocal" header-text="Cost" width="150px" data-type="number"></column>
<feature name="Sorting">
Make sure the Holdings scope variable is defined and is of type array. It could be an empty array if you don't have the data initially, but it needs to be defined.
Let me know if this is resolving your issue.
Ok, I have gotten beyond this problem but have now noticed that I cannot dynamically hide / show a column within the grid. I have searched the post and found I should be able to do this with hidecolumn or showcolumn method calls but this does not work. I found another post that says that this columns are static and that the only way to achieve this is to destroy the grid and reconstitute it without the columns. I find this to be a bit of an extreme way to achieve the desire result. Is this really the only way or should the hide/show work. If it should, could you tell me what I need to do to get hide/show to work.