version 17.1.20171.1017
We are using the ui-contextmenu jquery plugin to provide context menu to our hierarchial grid, on the parent rows.
First question:
ls this plugin still the recommended approach for providing context menus on igGrids?
We are now tasked with providing a different context menu for the child grids.
Second question:
If still the recommended approach, what is the recommended approach for supporting different context menus on the igHierarchicalGrid using this plugin?
Hello Aidan,
Yes, the jQuery plugin is still recommended approach for having a context menu in the grid since we don't provide such functionality out of the box at the moment. Regarding your second question, what do you mean by supporting different context menus on the igHierarchicalGrid? Could you give me an example?
we are using the hierarchicalgrid in order to show child grids.
On the parent grid we provide a context menu via right-click on a parent row.
The child grids now need their own (different ) context menu when user performs a right-click over a child row.
We would like to have separation of concerns here but since the child grid is embedded in a parent row and you can only attach a context menu to a known element and child grids are dynamic, we are forced to have one menu and completely hack the items etc depending on if we are on a parent row or not.
We would prefer a cleaner contained approach.