I have string columns MakeFlag with valid / invalid values and want display checkbox along based on that.
Did that already and it's almost working but I don't want user to be able edit text value just the checkbox, now he can do both.
how to do that? thanks
$(function () { var dataURL = "">localhost:54493/.../values"; $("#grid1").igGrid({ dataSource: dataURL, primaryKey: "TIDnumber", renderCheckboxes: true, restSettings: { update: { url: dataURL + "/Save" }, remove: { url: dataURL, batch: true }, create: { url: dataURL, batch: true } }, autoGenerateColumns: false, height: "350px", width: "800px", columns: [ {headerText: "TIDnumber", key: "TIDnumber", dataType: "number" }, {headerText: "Description", key: "Description", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Quantity", key: "Quantity", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Make Flag", key: "MakeFlag", dataType: "string", width: "15%", template: "<input type='checkbox' {{if ${MakeFlag} == 'Valid'}} checked='checked' {{/if}}>${MakeFlag}" } ], features: [ { name: "Updating", editMode: 'cell', editCellEnded: onEditCellEnded, columnSettings: [{ columnKey: 'TIDnumber', readOnly: true }, { columnKey: "Description", editorType: 'string', validation: true, editorOptions: {required: true } } ]}]});
function onEditCellEnded(event, args) { if (args.columnKey == "MakeFlag") { //var cell = args.editor; var cellValue = $("#grid1").igGrid("getCellValue", args.rowID, "MakeFlag"); if (cellValue == "Valid") { $("#grid1").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", args.rowID, "MakeFlag", "Invalid"); } else if (cellValue == "Invalid") { $("#grid1").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", args.rowID, "MakeFlag", "Valid"); } } $("#grid1").igGrid("saveChanges"); };
I almost got it right changing template to that:
var mytemplate = "<input type='checkbox' {{if ${MakeFlag} == 'Valid'}} checked='checked' {{/if}} onclick='changeState(this, ${TIDnumber})'>${MakeFlag}";
function changeState(element, rowId) { var $checkBox = $(element); if ($checkBox.prop("checked")) { $("#grid1").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", rowId, "MakeFlag", "Valid"); } else { $("#grid1").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", rowId, "MakeFlag", "Invalid"); } }
the only problem is when I click on text it go to edit mode covering checkbox, editing text is disabled but still editor covers checbox.
Any idea what's the trick?
ok, I solved that using dropdown combo in addition to checkbox, but onEditCellended event is not called when checkbox is clicked even though it does change the text as well. When selection is mad from combo event is fired,
how to make checkbox to fire that event? anybody here?
columnKey: "MakeFlag", editorType: 'combo', editorOptions: { mode: "dropdown", dataSource: myJSON, disabled: false // }