I am facing a problem with IgDataChart that re-uses the brush colors if more than 10 series are added. I tried in the initialization to execute the following javascript code:
var brushes = ["aqua", "brown", "violet", "chocolate", "coral", "crimson", "red", "gold", "purple", "green", "turquoise", "pink", "yellow"]; $("#chart").igDataChart({ isHorizontalZoomEnabled: true, isVerticalZoomEnabled: true, windowResponse: "immediate", brushes: brushes, width: "100%", axes: [ { type: "numericX", name: "xAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, LabelTopMargin: 10, minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelAngle: 0, labelExtent: 40, labelTextColor: "black" }, { type: "numericY", name: "yAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, majorStroke: "lightGrey", minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelExtent: 60, labelTextColor: "black" } ] });
but igDataChart does not use the new brush colors. Is there an extra step to accomplish?
I am using IgniteUI 20.2.6.
Hello Martijn,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support!
I believe that you will find the following sample I haver prepared for you very helpful. As you can observe using the IgniteUI 20.2.6 and the brushes array provided by you the bar and the column series are picking the provided colors correctly.
If this sample is not an accurate demonstration of what you are trying to achieve please feel free to modify it and send it back to me for further investigation.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,Martin EvtimovAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics, Inc.
Hello Martin,
Thank you very much for your provided sample. I managed to restrict the igDataChart brushes to my own given list. However, facing now another problem. The series outline is now differs from the series brush.
This is my code used to initialize data chart and add demo series.
@{ ViewBag.Title = "title"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; } <h2>Test Chart</h2> <div class="container-fluid" style="padding: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%"> <div class="row" style="height: 95%; margin: 0px"> <div id="chartDiv" class="col-md-12" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 1px solid black; background-color: white"> <div id="chart" style="height: 88%"></div> <div id="chartZoom"></div> <div> <input type="checkbox" id="chartMarker" /> <label for="chartMarker" style="margin:0">Show data markers</label> </div> <div id="legend"></div> <button onclick="addDemoData()">Add data</button> </div> </div> </div> @section ViewScripts { <script type="text/javascript"> var seriesIndex = 0; var series = []; var points = []; var brushes = ["green", "red", "pink", "yellow", "aqua", "brown", "violet", "chocolate"]; $(function () { log("Test Chart - begin"); initializeDataChart(); // chart marker code var marker = document.getElementById("chartMarker"); marker.checked = true; $("#chartMarker").click(function() { var mType = ($(this).is(":checked")) ? "circle" : "none"; var arrayLength = series.length; for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { if (series[i].type === "scatterLine" & series[i].brush !== "rgba(245, 0, 24, 0.3)" & series[i].brush !== "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3)") { series[i].markerType = mType; log(series[i]); } } $("#chart").igDataChart({ series: series }); }); log("Test Chart - end"); }); function initializeDataChart() { log("initializeDataChart()"); $("#chart").igDataChart({ isHorizontalZoomEnabled: true, isVerticalZoomEnabled: true, windowResponse: "immediate", brushes: brushes, width: "100%", axes: [ { type: "numericX", name: "xAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, LabelTopMargin: 10, minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelAngle: 0, labelExtent: 40, labelTextColor: "black" }, { type: "numericY", name: "yAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, majorStroke: "lightGrey", minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelExtent: 60, labelTextColor: "black", formatLabel: function (item) { return item.toFixed(2); } } ] }); $("#chartZoom").igZoombar({ target: "#chart", height: "25px", zoomAction: "immediate", defaultZoomWindow: { left: 0, width: 100 } }); // get brushes var getActualBrushes = $("#chart").igDataChart("option", "brushes"); log("ActualBrushes:" + JSON.stringify(getActualBrushes)); } function addData(name, points) { var demoData = { "name": name, "points": points }; points.push(demoData); createSeries(demoData.name, demoData.points); $("#chart").igDataChart({ series: series }); } function addDemoData() { seriesIndex += 1; var demoPoints = []; for (var i =0; i < 10; i++) { var point = {}; point.Value = Math.floor(Math.random() * 101); point.Order =i; demoPoints.push(point); } addData("s"+seriesIndex, demoPoints); } function createSeries(dataName, points) { var s = { type: "scatterLine", name: dataName, markerType: "circle", //markerOutline: "black", thickness: 2, xAxis: "xAxis", yAxis: "yAxis", xMemberPath: "Order", yMemberPath: "Value", trendLineThickness: 3, showTooltip: true, title: dataName, dataSource: points, legend: { element: "legend" }, legendItemTemplate: { render: renderLegendItemTemplate } }; series.push(s); log("series contains (" + series.length + ")"); } function renderLegendItemTemplate(renderInfo) { var $context = renderInfo.context, $color = $("<td>").css("background-color", renderInfo.data.series().actualBrush().fill()).width(15).height(15); var $text = $("<td>").text(renderInfo.data.series().title()).addClass("ui-chart-legend-item-text"); var $space = $("<td>").text(" "); $context.append($color); $context.append($space); $context.append($text); } </script> }
With best regards,
Thank you for getting back to me!
I’m glad that you find the provided information helpful and that you manage to achieve your requirements!
Thank you for using Infragistics Components!
I found the answer... by setting igDataChart markerOutlines option to the same given brushes during initializing igDataChart.
$("#chart").igDataChart({ isHorizontalZoomEnabled: true, isVerticalZoomEnabled: true, windowResponse: "immediate", brushes: brushes, markerOutlines: brushes, width: "100%", axes: [ { type: "numericX", name: "xAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, LabelTopMargin: 10, minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelAngle: 0, labelExtent: 40, labelTextColor: "black" }, { type: "numericY", name: "yAxis", stroke: "black", strokeThickness: 1, majorStroke: "lightGrey", minorStroke: "WhiteSmoke", labelExtent: 60, labelTextColor: "black", formatLabel: function (item) { return item.toFixed(2); } } ] });