I am using iggrid and client side binding to an existing HTML table, as in your example https://www.igniteui.com/help/iggrid-binding-to-html-table-data
I am having some trouble when the HTML table has no data.
These are the approaches that I have tried:
1. No tbody segment. (as in <table><thead> ... </thead></table>)
2. Empty tbody segment (as in <table><thead> ... </thead><tbody /></table>)
3. Empty body segment (as in <table><thead> ... </thead><tbody></tbody></table>)
The result in all of those cases is that I get 2 headers for each column. One is a plain HTML header and the other seems the Infragistics header. Also if sorting is enabled, I get some errors when clicking in those additional HTML headers " 'currentSortDirection' is null or not an object"
I used a test page where I just include the base ig.ui.min.css file, the theme file jquery.ui.custom.min.css, the javascript ig.ui.min.js file and jquery 1.5.1/jqueryUI 1.8.11
Is there any special way I should treat empty tables regarding iggrid client side binding? Is this scenario not supported or maybe I should avoid it until a next release?
Thank you for posting in the Community,
I’ve been looking at your scenario and I run a test based on our samples and I confirm that the grid works well with empty tables.
Here's the table:
The code above is from the demo samples installed on my machine "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2011.2\jQuery\demos" Pleaes check them out, I belive that's the easies way to get started.
Feel free to contact me if you still have any issues.
Thank you Radoslav, but I completely forgot to mention in the original post that I was auto-generating the columns!
Let me clarify it.
This is the grid configuration:
$("#t1").igGrid({ autoGenerateColumns: true, defaultColumnWidth: 150, features: [ { name: 'Sorting', type: 'local' } ] });
The following table is displayed correctly:
While the following empty table is not (It has theader elements, so I was expecting the grid to use that and the default width for the grid column headers ):