I have a dropdown column (named "Languages") in iggrid where I enable multiSelection : "onWithCheckboxes". My problem is that every time I enable more than one option and press button "Done", in the column "Languages" only the first selection is displayed (instead of seeing the list of my selections separated by comma).
In the formatter: function(val) { ... } option for the column, val contains only the first selected value, so I'm guessing there is the problem.
Please can you help me?
Kind regards,
Please can you provide me with a code example of iggrid (jquery) which has a column set as multiSelection onWithCheckboxes? Any help is highly appreciated..
I have fixed it in a very dirty way, please let me know if there is any better one. What I did: when the dropdown is closing, I store it's value in a hidden field. When I press button "Done" I overwrite the value of the cell with the hidden field value. Any ideas are welcome!
dataSourceUrl: "<%= Url.Action("GetDocumentsList") %>",
virtualization: false,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: [...
{ headerText: "Language", key: "Language", dataType: "string", formatter: formatLanguageCombo }
features: [{
name: 'Updating',
columnSettings: [{
columnKey : "Language",
editorType : "combo",
editorOptions : {
mode : "dropdown",
dataSource : LanguageJSON,
multiSelection : "onWithCheckboxes",
textKey : "Name",
valueKey : "ID",
readOnly : true,
dropDownClosed: function(evt, ui) { //combobox event
$("#hdnLanguage").val(ui.owner._userTxt);//store the value of the dropdown in a hidden field on the form
editRowEnded: function(evt, ui) {
var row = ui.rowID;
$("#igGrid1").igGrid("rows")[row].cells[4].innerText = $("#hdnLanguage").val();