I have no paging option specified and I'm getting this error.
Going back to the old version solves the issue.
Here's the definition
primaryKey: "ID",
autoCommit: true,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
columns: columns,
showFooter: true,
renderCheckboxes: true,
enableUTCDates: true,
features: features,
odata: true,
responseContentType: "application/json",
responseDataKey: "results",
virtualization: "false"
Features are grouping on with one column grouped, sorting = multi (local) and 2 summaries in the footer. (standard, no custom), resizing is on, as is allow hiding and selection = row. No editing.
with a similar issue, i've set JSONP instead of KSON as response type and all its working fine....
Hi guys,I'm afraid that an issue with the the igDataSource appeared in the very last second so the build of the first SR which included 2012.1 has this problem.The issue was promptly fixed so we can give you an untested build (which is also tested, but that's another topic) which contains the fix.Please let me know if this is OK with you so I can contact our support team and get the procedure rolling.Also, please accept our apologies for the caused inconvenience - it's something we always do our best to avoid, but one in a thousand times Murphy's law does it's work :/
Please send me the update.
And thanks for catching this so quickly!
Sure thing - we need one final thing from you.Geminiman and Andrea - which versions of NetAdvantage for jQuery are you using?2012.1 or 2011.2?Please let me know in this thread so I can the support team to proceed with the untested build request for the correct version(s)Thanks in advance!
Guys,Just one final mention - the issue is caused is logged with internal ID 114634.
Thanks,Georgi !
Hello All,
I have created an Internal Tickets for everybody:
CAS-94640-XY6KBD – Geminiman,
CAS-94642-KWKRGL – jagwynn,
CAS-94643-SGSSKR – Andrea Baroncelli
I will contact you through them.
If anybody else needs an Untested build for this. Please contact the Developer Support team.
Georgi Sashev
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hi Borislav
I'm using the 12.1.20121.2023 release
Thanks for support !
Thank you.