I have a JSON which has the following schema
[ { "ProductID": 1, "Name": "Adjustable Race", "ProductDetails": { "Number": "AR-5381", "Desc": "Description text" }, "StandardCost": 0 }, { "ProductID": 2, "Name": "Bearing Ball", "ProductDetails": { "Number": "BA-8327", "Desc": "Description text" }, "StandardCost": 0 }, { "ProductID": 3, "Name": "BB Ball Bearing", "ProductDetails": { "Number": "BE-2349", "Desc": "Description text" }, "StandardCost": 0 }, { "ProductID": 4, "Name": "Headset Ball Bearings", "ProductDetails": { "Number": "BE-2908", "Desc": "Description text" }, "StandardCost": 0 }]
I am trying to bind this data to the grid using following column definition
columns: [ { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductDetails.Number", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Standard Cost", key: "StandardCost", dataType: "number" }, ]
Its not showing anything on the Product Number column. Please let me know how I can do this.
Hi Guru,Binding to a an object's node (or property) isn't supported out of the box at the moment (but it will be in a future release (hopefully)).At the moment the workaround I can suggest is to use a formatter function on the ProductDetails node so that you access the Number node like so:
{ headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductDetails", dataType: "object", formatter: function(val) { return val.Number; } }, { headerText: "Standard Cost", key: "StandardCost", dataType: "number" }
PS: If you need to perform operations such as sorting, filtering or summaries on the ProductDetails.Number column, you will need to define a custom sorting/filtering of summary-calculating function. Hope this helps,Borislav
Hi Borislav,
so far I have tried to display properties from a transferred json object as you have described. It works.
I would like now also to sort remote on this column, but the problem is that the column key has only the objectname like in your example "ProductDetails", but I have to send the whole propertyname "ProductDetails.Number" to the server.
Do you have an idea to implement this?
Kind regrds,
Sorry for the bump, and please excuse my english... but I have a similar/more complex problem. I cannot use return val.Number because my "Number" column is dynamic.
I set headers inside a loop and at each iteraction it fetches a new ".Number" to identify the column. I can't seem to find a way to pass the column name to the formatter function because it only runs after the loop end. This causes it to always use the last column value. I'm a bit desperate can you help me out? I have a open a thread in here https://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-javascript/83536/binding-data-to-dynamic-structure#417369
thank you