I use infragistics.loader.js to load igDatePicker, and set the regional to zh-CN. But the tips always show in English.
==code ===
<script type="text/javascript"> $.ig.loader({ scriptPath: '../../Scripts/', cssPath: '../../Content/', resources: 'igEditors', regional: 'zh-CN' });
$.ig.loader(function () { $('#datepicker1').igDatePicker({ width: 230, dateInputFormat: 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm', dateTimePattern: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm", regional: 'zh-CN' }); });</script>
I've add a new file named infragistics.ui.editors-zh-CN.js in folder \Scripts\modules\i18n\infragistics.ui.editors-zh-CN.js.
I uesed chrome to trace the request, I found this file not been loaded.
Hi Lostonzhang,
The localization by a culture-name-string was supported in early versions of igEditor, but that was removed in order to make "localization" architecture similar to igGrid.
In order to customize tooltips, application has few choices:1. Include in page a script with link to the file similar to infragistics.ui.editors-ja.js (currently installation provides only 4 cultures: en, bg, ru and ja)
2. Create an object which contains localized tool tips and set it to the locale option of igEditor/igDatePicker.
3. Set tooltip options explicitly (that is basically the same as #2, but with higher priority).Oh I tried to paste my codes, but all not English characters were removed by editor-filter. I will give example with custom English strings.
var cnCulture = { spinUpperTitle: 'up', spinLowerTitle: 'down', clearTitle: 'clear', buttonTitle: 'calendar' };
$('#dp1').igDatePicker({ locale: cnCulture, regional: 'zh-CN'});
$('#dp2').igDatePicker({ clearTitle: 'clear', buttonTitle: 'calendar', regional: 'zh-CN'});
Choices 2 or 3 is a bad dream for our developers. All DatePickers are same in our system, but I must set the locale information once I use it.
And please thinking about others controls such as igGrid with many regional words?
I used the latest version, it's NetAdvantage 2012.1. The directory architecture led me thinking that if I added a regional file it would be OK.
I've read a part code of infragistics.loader.js, It seems that the loader should load the correct regional file automatically.
{ widget: 'igEditors', dependency: [{ name: 'igUtil'}], scripts: ['$path$/modules/infragistics.ui.editors.js'], locale: ['$localePath$/infragistics.ui.editors-$locale$.js'], css: ['$path$/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.shared.css', '$path$/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.editors.css'], regional: ['$localePath$/regional/infragistics.ui.regional-$regional$.js'] },
Otherwise, our system will support English(en-US), Simplified Chinese(zh-CN), Traditional Chinese(zh-TW). But Currently installation provides only 3 cultures: bg, ru and ja, the English version has been hard code into js file. I cannot get an English version to translate into Chinese version. How can I do?