I use infragistics.loader.js to load igDatePicker, and set the regional to zh-CN. But the tips always show in English.
==code ===
<script type="text/javascript"> $.ig.loader({ scriptPath: '../../Scripts/', cssPath: '../../Content/', resources: 'igEditors', regional: 'zh-CN' });
$.ig.loader(function () { $('#datepicker1').igDatePicker({ width: 230, dateInputFormat: 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm', dateTimePattern: "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm", regional: 'zh-CN' }); });</script>
I've add a new file named infragistics.ui.editors-zh-CN.js in folder \Scripts\modules\i18n\infragistics.ui.editors-zh-CN.js.
I uesed chrome to trace the request, I found this file not been loaded.
Hello Lostonzhang,
The -en.js files are removed from the English installer because they are included in the control files. However, they are included in the Japanese installer. For more information about this, please refer to our help topic on localization.
I have copied the -en.js files from the Japanese installer zip and attached them for you.
Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
Elizabeth AlbertLocalization Engineer
Choices 2 or 3 is a bad dream for our developers. All DatePickers are same in our system, but I must set the locale information once I use it.
And please thinking about others controls such as igGrid with many regional words?
I used the latest version, it's NetAdvantage 2012.1. The directory architecture led me thinking that if I added a regional file it would be OK.
I've read a part code of infragistics.loader.js, It seems that the loader should load the correct regional file automatically.
{ widget: 'igEditors', dependency: [{ name: 'igUtil'}], scripts: ['$path$/modules/infragistics.ui.editors.js'], locale: ['$localePath$/infragistics.ui.editors-$locale$.js'], css: ['$path$/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.shared.css', '$path$/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.editors.css'], regional: ['$localePath$/regional/infragistics.ui.regional-$regional$.js'] },
Otherwise, our system will support English(en-US), Simplified Chinese(zh-CN), Traditional Chinese(zh-TW). But Currently installation provides only 3 cultures: bg, ru and ja, the English version has been hard code into js file. I cannot get an English version to translate into Chinese version. How can I do?
Hi Lostonzhang,
The localization by a culture-name-string was supported in early versions of igEditor, but that was removed in order to make "localization" architecture similar to igGrid.
In order to customize tooltips, application has few choices:1. Include in page a script with link to the file similar to infragistics.ui.editors-ja.js (currently installation provides only 4 cultures: en, bg, ru and ja)
2. Create an object which contains localized tool tips and set it to the locale option of igEditor/igDatePicker.
3. Set tooltip options explicitly (that is basically the same as #2, but with higher priority).Oh I tried to paste my codes, but all not English characters were removed by editor-filter. I will give example with custom English strings.
var cnCulture = { spinUpperTitle: 'up', spinLowerTitle: 'down', clearTitle: 'clear', buttonTitle: 'calendar' };
$('#dp1').igDatePicker({ locale: cnCulture, regional: 'zh-CN'});
$('#dp2').igDatePicker({ clearTitle: 'clear', buttonTitle: 'calendar', regional: 'zh-CN'});