Hi There,
When I perform igGrid.('dataBind'), the IE8 will will pop an error: "out of stack space".
I also met this issue when I use IE 8 to browse http://ko.infragistics.com/products/jquery/sample/grid/grid-api and click "databind".
Could anyone help me out?
Hello Jeffrey,
Would you please provide me with more details if you have define your igGrid through Js or through the MVC wrapper. Also would you let me know which Jquery version do you use. Could you please provide me with a small sample where this issue is representable?
Thanks in advance.
Did anyone resolve this issue yet ? I'm having the same issue in IE8.
I defined the grid using MVC wrapper, currently using jQuery 1.7.1, and the latest igniteUI 12.2.20122.1021
every time $('selector').igGrid('dataBind') runs, IE8 throws stack overflow error