I have a Hierarchical Grid that has enabled check boxes on the RowSelector of the child column and multiple selection.
I have noticed that when I click on a check box that an activeRowChanged event happens and the checked record is not added to the child's grid selected rows when it is the first record in the child grid.
if I physically click on the row, and not the check box I get a rowSelectionChanged event and that record is added the the child's grid selected rows collection.
If I click on the Checkbox on the top of the column headers I will get 3 activeRowChanged evetns and every record but the first is added to the selected rows collection.
Besides the bug in the selected rows for the collection, which I have hacked a work around by not using that function but determining the correct selection myself is there a reason why clicking a check box does not really select the row but just changes the active row. My expectation would be that if I click a checkbox the same events fire ... Is this by design or also a bug?
Based on my understanding, you are using our jQuery igHierarchicalGrid control. I was not able to see the behavior you described with first child row on the sample from below link:
Once you select row(s) from the child band you will see that row index gets populated in “Select Child Rows” table. Let me know if you are taking any other approach.
I hope this helps.
I looked at the events that the example was hooking into, and it appears to work when you catch those events.
However if you perform the selection when the following event is fired it does not capture the correct selection
iggridrowselectorscheckboxstatechanged iggridselectionrowselectionchanged Work
iggridselectionactiverowchanged Did not work, and this may be by design,
No everything is fine now, I have moved away from using the hierarchical grid and most issues have gone away
I am just following up to see if you need any further assistance with this matter.
Activation is for keyboard support. Active row is set when any of the rows is activated or clicked. When you click on another row it fire activation events like iggridselectionactiverowchanged for the grid.I am not certain about the “selection when the following event is fired it does not capture the correct selection” you mentioned on previous update. In order to look in to this let me know the code you are using with grid initialization code so I may look in to this.