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igDataChart - Custom markerTemplate legend issues



If I use a custom markerTemplate to modify the default size/appearance of markers, taking a scatter chart as an example, the legend for a multi series chart will not show a marker next to the legend entries? See here for a screenshot -

Can you tell me if this is a bug and if not then how I get the legend to show the correct marker. My JS code for generating the chart series is below:

                name: 'Series0',
                title: 'Series0',
                dataSource: FormatScatterData(data, ''),
                type: 'scatter',
                markerType: 'circle',
                markerTemplate: new CircleMarker(markerSize, markerThickness),
                brush: getBrush(seriesCount),
                markerBush: getBrush(seriesCount),
                xAxis: 'xAxis0',
                yAxis: 'yAxis0',
                xMemberPath: 'DataPoint2',
                yMemberPath: 'DataPoint1',
                showTooltip: false,
                thickness: 0
Many thanks,
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