I've the following issue:
I'd like to show in a row update dialog a combo, let's take as example a grid with colums Name Surname Gender. When the dialog is open to edit a row I'd like to se the combo (column Gender) with alreadty selected the row value.
I was able to define the combo with all the possible choises but when the dialog opens the combo value is always empty .Am I missing some option in grid updating definition?
Thank you very much
kind regards
thank you for your answer, maybe I've explained bad my issue.I've found a solution in another post by adding the following BLOCKED SCRIPT
$("#grid_anagrafica_famiglie").live('iggridupdatingroweditdialogopened', function (event, ui) { var comboInput = $("td[data-key='VincoloLegislativoCodice']").find('input'); comboInput.igCombo('text', comboInput.data('igCombo').options.value); });
Kind Regards
hi Simone,
That solution was a temporary workaround. Please use the latest code and it should be working without that workaround.