I've the following issue:
I'd like to show in a row update dialog a combo, let's take as example a grid with colums Name Surname Gender. When the dialog is open to edit a row I'd like to se the combo (column Gender) with alreadty selected the row value.
I was able to define the combo with all the possible choises but when the dialog opens the combo value is always empty .Am I missing some option in grid updating definition?
Thank you very much
kind regards
thank you for your answer, maybe I've explained bad my issue.I've found a solution in another post by adding the following BLOCKED SCRIPT
$("#grid_anagrafica_famiglie").live('iggridupdatingroweditdialogopened', function (event, ui) { var comboInput = $("td[data-key='VincoloLegislativoCodice']").find('input'); comboInput.igCombo('text', comboInput.data('igCombo').options.value); });
Kind Regards
hi Simone,
That solution was a temporary workaround. Please use the latest code and it should be working without that workaround.
thank you but I'm using this combo in the grid updating defined in a MVC controller (C#). Therefore I can write easily the DataSource but the DefaultValue depends on the row selected.
I know that it's a workaround but since I cannot update the software version I've decide to og for it.
Am I wrong?There's an easy way to write something equal to your suggestion in a MVC Controller?
Hi Simone,
We are really glad that you manage to resolve this issue using the mentioned workaround, still we can recommend upgrading to the latest service release in order to have fully tested solution for the issue.
You can upgrade to the latest service release by running the installer again and make sure that you check the “Install with the latest update available” checkbox.
If you have any questions about the upgrading process please do not hesitate to ask.