First I have a grid with row selectors turned on, and Edit mode of Cell, and the problem I have occurs in Chrome , and IE 9.0. (Only tested with those 2)
I am hooking into the iggridupdatingeditcellstarted event, along with iggridupdatingeditcellending and iggridupdatingeditcellended and I am running into a problem.
When I get an iggridupdatingeditcellstarted event I am looking at the column key to determine if a specific column was clicked on
If it was I set the editor to readonly with a call to ui.editor.igEditor('option', 'readOnly', true);
I then get pop up an infragistic Dialog that contains a detail view of the record for the entire row. If I do nothing in that dialog and simply close it everything continues to work fine. (When I step off of the cell I get a iggridupdatingeditcellending and then a iggridupdatingeditcellended event.
If a change is made in the dialog I will then call updateRow via igGridUpdating and close the dialog. When I do that the grid seems to get stuck. Clicking on any row will now do anything. However if I click on the row selector column at the top all of the rows are selected and I get a iggridupdatingeditcellending and then a iggridupdatingeditcellended event.
It seems that it is stuck in cell edit mode.
I have tried calling clearSelection on the grid before displaying the dialog, endEdit, etc but nothing seems to resolve the issue. I am looking at how your edit template is generated but can not see what other call should me made to clear out the state it is in after the iggridupdatingeditcellstarted event fires.
I have also set the keepEditing property to false on the UI object passed in the iggridupdatingeditcellstarted event.
I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.
Hello ddaly,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Please let me know the version you are using.
Thank you for the update and information.
This may be true since the grid is still in editmode and an update is called. I suggest updating the row in a Dialog on editCellEnded event.
I am guessing that you wish to set the cell as readonly through the editor. As an alternative we may also cancel editCellStarting event. And handle editCellEnded.
If you have any questions, please let me know as well.