I am running into a problem in IE8 and a column that has a type of ColumnEditorType.Combo.
I set it up with the following options
.ComboEditorOptions(options => { options.AllowCustomValue(false); options.Mode(ComboMode.DropDown); options.ShowDropDownButton(true); options.DataSource(ViewBag.StatusValues); options.TextKey("Text"); options.ValueKey("Value"); options.EnableClearButton(false); options.DropDownOnFocus(true); options.SelectItemBySpaceKey(true); });
When I get a iggridupdatingeditcellended event I check the columnKey and I want to perform some action on the data if it has changed in the cell.
This is working in IE7,IE9, and latest Chrome. IN IE8 I am getting an exception
Unhandled exception at line 19, column 8627 in http://localhost:60001/Portal/Scripts/Infragistics/modules/infragistics.ui.grid.selection.js
0x80020003 - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Member not found.
_cellFromEvent [infragistics.ui.grid.selection.js] Line 19 Script _mouseDown [infragistics.ui.grid.selection.js] Line 19 Script _sel [infragistics.ui.grid.updating.js] Line 21 Script _endEdit [infragistics.ui.grid.updating.js] Line 21 Script _onEvt [infragistics.ui.grid.updating.js] Line 21 Script Anonymous Function [infragistics.ui.grid.updating.js] Line 21 Script
I am wondering 2 things.
1) Is there a better way, like hooking into an event on the combo editor, so that I know when a value has changed
2) If there is not a different event, how can I stop this behavior.
Hello ddally,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics,
I have done some looking into this matter. You should be able to handle the SelectionChanged or SelectionChanging event of the combo. You can see more information about this event here:
After going to the link click on the Events tab/item and scroll down.
Concerning the updating edit cell eneded event being unable to work in IE8 I have some follow up questions concerning this matter. What version if IgniteUI are you using? Do you know what build/service release you are using for that version?
Sincerely,Mike P.Developer Support Engineer IIInfragistics, Inc.www.infragistics.com
The combo is a grid editor component so I do not see a way to hook into it, because I do not see one actually being created, just the options for it in the grid.
I am using 12.2.20122.2113.
I have disabled all of the code in the edit cell ended event and it still occurs. The grid in question has the following features. Most columns are read only except for a check box and the combo box column.
For now I have made those read only in IE 8.
var readOnly = (Request.Browser.Browser == "IE") && (Request.Browser.MajorVersion == 8);
settingsBuilder.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("IsExcludedFlag").ReadOnly(readOnly); settingsBuilder.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("Stage").ReadOnly(readOnly).EditorType(ColumnEditorType.Combo) .ComboEditorOptions(options => { options.AllowCustomValue(false); options.Mode(ComboMode.DropDown); options.ShowDropDownButton(true); options.DataSource(ViewBag.StatusValues); options.TextKey("Text"); options.ValueKey("Value"); options.EnableClearButton(false); options.DropDownOnFocus(true); options.SelectItemBySpaceKey(true); });
The grid itself is defined as follows
@(@Html.Infragistics().Grid<PatientGridMember>() .ID(gridId).PrimaryKey("PatientListMembersID") .LoadOnDemand(false).AutoGenerateColumns(false).AutoGenerateLayouts(false).EnableUTCDates(true) .EnableHoverStyles(true).RenderCheckboxes(true).LocalSchemaTransform(true).AutoCommit(true) .Columns(GenerateChildColumns) .Features(feature => { feature.Sorting().Mode(SortingMode.Single); feature.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row).MultipleSelection(true); feature.RowSelectors().EnableCheckBoxes(true).EnableRowNumbering(false); feature.Resizing().AllowDoubleClickToResize(true); feature.Updating().EditMode(GridEditMode.Cell). EnableDeleteRow(false).EnableAddRow(false).ColumnSettings(CreateColumnSettings); }) .DataSource(physician.Members.AsQueryable()) .DataBind() .CalculateWidthAndHeight() .Render() )