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Reading oData from ASP.NET Web API

I have some oData coming back from the lastest ASP.NET web api that looks like this:


How can I bind this to the igCombo?  Notice that the total record count has a dot in the property name.  Also, how do I get the igCombo to stop looking for a root of "d"?

I've tried tons of stuff, including the below.  Any ideas?

        var usersDS = new $.ig.RemoteDataSource({
		dataSource: '/odata/Users?',
		type: 'json',
		responseDataType: 'json',
		responseTotalRecCountKey: 'odata.count',
		responseDataKey: 'value',

		loadOnDemandSettings: {
			enabled: true,
			pageSize: 10
		mode: 'readonlylist',
		dataSource: usersDS,
		filteringType: 'remote',
		width: '250px',
		textKey: 'LastName',
		valueKey: 'FirstName',
		virtualization: true,
		autoComplete: true,	
		itemTemplate: '${FirstName} ${LastName}',
		nullText: 'Select an employee'
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