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Grid not updating after ajax call? (KO integration)


I'm a bit new to KO, so I apologize. I have practically copied the example used here:

If I load up the object (referred to by db in the sample code) then the grid will initialize with all of the data properly.

If I put the ajax call in a function and bind it to a button, I can't get the data in the grid to load/refresh after the call. I've made sure that the ajax call is being made and the JSON is coming back. Is there another API I need to hook into the grid to refresh the data?


  • 17559
    Verified Answer

    Hello Alex ,


    You can change the data source of the igGrid in runtime by invoking the following line just after the rebind:




    For additional reference on this you could check the attached sample. In order to run it just add the latest Infragistics scripts in the js and css folders.   


    Please let me know if this helps.

    knock (2).zip
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