The grid using rowVirtualization contains thousands record, how to programmatically to move to the last row? (we require to implement function: move to the first and move to the last)
Hi Michael,
if you use continuous virtualization, there is the following API method: => Methods => virtualScrollTo()
it accepts a pixel value, so you can invoke it with <last row index> * averageRowHeight
Let me know if this helps. Thanks,
Hi Angel,
Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't seem working. Can you take a look attached sample? Grid in this sample also enable Selection feature. Move to First and Move to Last should move to the first and last row respectively and set it as selection row, but both doesn't work with virtualScrollTo.
Hello Michael,
This issue has been resolved in the latest service releases for IgniteUI - jQuery_12.2.20122.2195, jQuery_13.1.20131.2143.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you experience any issues after applying the latest releases.
I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a Development ID of 142650.
As a workaround I suggest you to use the following code:
$("#grid1_scrollContainer").scrollTop(<last row index> * actualRowHeight);
Hope this helps, Martin Pavlov
Infragistics, Inc.