Are there any razor example of how to use the Layout Manager?
Hello Tammy,
At this time the Layout Manager is still in CTP and as such it isn't part of the Infragistics MVC wrappers. Due to this you still have to set up everything for the Layout Manager through pure markup and JavaScript. I've attached a sample I put together that uses the Layout Manager with Razor. I've included a word doc I wrote that describes the steps to follow to set up an MVC4 application using the Layout Manager and the Grid with Razor.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this approach or if I may provide any other assistance.
I get this error trying to run this:
Unhandled exception at line 24, column 36 in http://localhost:10940/
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'loader' of undefined or null reference
on this line:
<script type=
<script type="text/javascript">$.ig.loader({ scriptPath: '/Scripts/IG/', cssPath: '/Content/IG/', resources: 'igLayoutManager' });
Any ideas?
This should work fine as far as I am aware, though there may be some issue since this is still a CTP... would you be able to provide any code and markup so I could get a better idea of how you have this implemented?
I have created an example but it won't seem to upload. Can I email you a link to download it?
Sure, please email with "Attn: Jason" in the subject.
It looks like this is an issue with the Splitter itself whenever it either has a percentage width or the width isn't even set (as shown in your sample). I've logged a new development issue with an ID of 142820 so that the development team case research this further. I am creating a private case for you that you can use to track the status of this development issue.
In the meantime, you can work around this behavior by setting a pixel width or number width on the splitter.
This issue is now fixed in the latest service release for Ignite UI 2013 Vol. 1. The build is 13.1.20131.2143.