I want to show a list of items in a grid, grouped by the day, with the most recent items at the top. When I'm not grouping, grid correctly does not change the sort - it just takes the records as they were given (record 2063 at top):
But, when I turn on grouping, it looks like the records are sorted by the grouping field first.
Is there a way I can turn off this sort of the grouping field, or change the order? The records were already correctly grouped together, the order of records did not need to change.
Maybe try to add the grouped column in descending order? Its default is probably ascending.
Hi visitraxnet,
Thank you for posting on our forums!
Please have a look at the following forum post for more information on this. This thread also provides a link to one of our samples that you may find helpful. http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/72349.aspx
Please let us know if you need further assistance with this and we will be glad to help.