Dear people from Infragistics,
We have a jQuery hierarchical datagrid with rowtemplates that contain imagelinks.
In Firefox you can directly click an image and the link will work immediatly. In all other browsers you first need to select a row in the grid and then click on the image for it to work.
Our customers (which are doctors!) find the website not very usable because of this. Please help us.
Ok, great, Glad to be of help ! Good luck with your project.
Thanks for checking.
I don't think so. My superior is on vacation right now. When he's back I' ll discuss purchasing the latest version. It'll probably fix some minor issues we have (such as this one).
Thank you for the help so far.
just checking if you need any additional help. Thank you,
Thanks Danny, let me know if you need further assistance.
I will suggest to my employer to upgrade to 13.1.