I use the hierarchical grid and in your documentation your specify :
"Both the igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid controls feature data updating in the grid. The updating features of the grid provide a wide array of adding and editing values of the underling set of data bound to the grid",
but I was unable to find a way to get this array.
Can you tell me how can I get it please.
Is anyone can help me please ?
Hello Cosoluce_Stones ,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
I’m not sure I understand exactly what you’re aiming to get.
The sentence from the documentation is not referring to an actual object of type array.
“Wide array” is used in the sense of a wide range of options when it comes to updating and adding values in the data source of the grid.
If you’re aiming to get all of the pending transactions related to the updating, adding or deleting of values in the grid you can get them via the pendingTransactions method:
var pendingTrans = $(".selector").igGrid("pendingTransactions");
This would return an array that contains the pending transactions that have not been committed to the data source.
I’m looking forward your reply.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer II
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Maya,
Effectively I misunderstood the documentation and it is the pending transactions I would. I tried on the hierarchical grid but both the "pendingTransactions" and "allTransactions" methods return an empty array. I tried on the normal grid and it works.
How can I get those transactions on a hierarchical grid ?
Sorry I forgot to answer, yes it works.
Thank you.
I’m just following up to see if you’ve been able to resolve your issue. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need further assistance please let me know.
Developer Support Engineer
Hello Cosoluce,
Thank you for your patience while I was looking into this.
The hierarchical grid is composed of multiple igGrids for each level of the hierarchy. So if you want to get the transactions for a specific child grid you’ll need to get that child grid instance and get its transactions. You can get all child grid elements for the hierarchical grid using the allChildren method:
var hierarchicalGridChildren = $(".selector").igHierarchicalGrid("allChildren");
This will return a list with all the child grids. Once you get a specific child you can get its transactions via the allTransactions of that child grid. For example:
var transactions = $(specificChildGrid).igGrid("allTransactions");
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Maya,
Did you find a solution for my issue ?