Hello everybody,
I have a problem with the grid in internet explorer 8 (with ie10 in ie8 mode, no problem, no problem of course with chrome and firefox)
On some columns, the width of the column header is less of 4px than the width of the cell (for example on the column C1, the column definition is set to 75px at the grid initialization, the width of the header will be 71px and the width of body will be 75px).
it's very complicated, I cant't reproduce the problem because there is a very complicated screen (dynamic display column, dynamic columns size, dynamic resizing columns, etc).
a print screen will be more efficient :
the broken grid on ie8 : http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/729/idf7.png
the grid OK on chrome : http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/4761/5odk.png
I am on the last version of igniteUi (2217)
On the others screen more simple, I have no problem
I tried to deactivate our css, same problem
I will try to describe the binding on this screen (I you want to try to reproduce):
the initialization
$('#' + ldi.ldiGrid.ctlGridName) .igGrid('destroy') .igGrid({ columns: ldi.ldiGrid.colsDefinition, primaryKey: 'idLine', autoGenerateColumns: false, autoCommit: true, width: '100%', height: '295px', features: [ { name: 'MultiColumnHeaders' }, { name: 'Selection', mode: 'row', multipleSelection: true, rowSelectionChanged: fwGrid.checkActiveButton }, { name: 'RowSelectors', enableCheckBoxes: true, enableRowNumbering: false, checkBoxStateChanged: fwGrid.checkActiveButton }, { name: 'Sorting', type: "local" }, { name: 'Resizing', columnSettings: ldi.ldiGrid.colsResizing }, { name: 'Updating', enableAddRow: false, enableDeleteRow: false, editMode: "cell", showReadonlyEditors: false,
editCellStarting: function(evt, ui) { }, editCellEnding: function(evt, ui) { } fwGrid.currentEditingCell = null; return true; } } ], dataSource: ldi.ldiGrid.data });
there is a stringify representation of my object ldi.ldiGrid
{ "ctlGridName" : "grdLdi", "colsDefinition" : [{ "key" : "GroupeRef", "headerText" : "", "group" : [{ "key" : "idLine", "headerText" : "number", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "100px", "template" : "${idLine}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "idNum", "headerText" : "number", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "100px", "template" : "${idNum}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "idArt", "headerText" : "string", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "100px", "template" : "${idArt}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "newArt", "headerText" : "number", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "100px", "template" : "${newArt}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "recSap", "headerText" : "number", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "100px", "template" : "${recSap}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "status", "headerText" : "St", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "30px", "template" : "<span class='ldi-item-status-${status}'></span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "contractRef", "headerText" : "Contract<BR />Ref", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "0px", "template" : "${contractRef}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "contractDes", "headerText" : "Contrat<BR />Designation", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "0px", "template" : "${contractDes}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "mnemo", "headerText" : "Mnemo", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${mnemo}</span>{{else}}<span>${mnemo}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "desCom", "headerText" : "Commercial<BR />Designation", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${desCom}</span>{{else}}<span>${desCom}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "refCom", "headerText" : "Commercial<BR />Reference", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${refCom}</span>{{else}}<span>${refCom}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "desTech", "headerText" : "Technical<BR />Designation", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${desTech}</span>{{else}}<span>${desTech}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "salesStatus", "headerText" : "Sales<BR />Status", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${salesStatus}</span>{{else}}<span>${salesStatus}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "coeff", "headerText" : "Coeff.", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${coeff}</span>{{else}}<span>${coeff}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "shopCost", "headerText" : "Shop<BR />Cost<BR />€", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${shopCost}</span>{{else}}<span>${shopCost}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "salesPrice", "headerText" : "Sales<BR />Price", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : true, "width" : "0px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${salesPrice}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "salesDiscount", "headerText" : "Sales<BR />Discount", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${salesDiscount}</span>{{else}}<span>${salesDiscount}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "unitSalesPrice", "headerText" : "Unit<BR />Sales<BR />Price", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${unitSalesPrice}</span>{{else}}<span>${unitSalesPrice}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "discountRate", "headerText" : "%<BR />Discount<BR />Rate", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${discountRate}</span>{{else}}<span>${discountRate}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "typeArt", "headerText" : "Article<BR />Type", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${typeArt}</span>{{else}}<span>${typeArt}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "codeAct", "headerText" : "LOB", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${codeAct}</span>{{else}}<span>${codeAct}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "libAct", "headerText" : "LOB<BR />Designation", "dataType" : "string", "hidden" : true, "width" : "75px", "template" : "{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${libAct}</span>{{else}}<span>${libAct}</span>{{/if}}", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "globalLeadTime", "headerText" : "Customer<BR />LT<BR />(week)", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "75px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${globalLeadTime}</span>{{else}}<span>${globalLeadTime}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" } ], "hidden" : false }, { "key" : "GroupeTotal", "headerText" : "Total", "group" : [{ "key" : "cmgQty", "headerText" : "DP", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${cmgQty}</span>{{else}}<span>${cmgQty}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "imgQty", "headerText" : "ACK", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${imgQty}</span>{{else}}<span>${imgQty}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "elQty", "headerText" : "E.L.", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${elQty}</span>{{else}}<span>${elQty}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "planned", "headerText" : "To be<BR />Plan-<BR />ned", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${planned}</span>{{else}}<span>${planned}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" } ], "hidden" : false }, { "key" : "GroupeItem", "headerText" : "", "group" : [{ "key" : "lot", "headerText" : "Lot<BR />N°", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${lot}</span>{{else}}<span>${lot}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "item", "headerText" : "Item<BR />N°", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${item}</span>{{else}}<span>${item}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "subItem", "headerText" : "Sub-<BR />Item<BR />N°", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${newArt}'>${subItem}</span>{{else}}<span>${subItem}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" } ], "hidden" : false }, { "key" : "Gp0", "headerText" : "08/2013", "group" : [{ "key" : "cmgQty0", "headerText" : "DP", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${cmgDeltaQty0}'>${cmgQty0}</span>{{else}}<span>${cmgQty0}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "cmgDeltaQty0", "headerText" : "Delta DP", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : true, "width" : "10px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${cmgDeltaQty0}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "imgQty0", "headerText" : "ACK", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${imgDeltaQty0}'>${imgQty0}</span>{{else}}<span>${imgQty0}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "imgDeltaQty0", "headerText" : "Delta ACK", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : true, "width" : "10px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${imgDeltaQty0}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "elQty0", "headerText" : "E.L.", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${elQty0}</span>", "format" : "" } ], "hidden" : false }, { "key" : "Gp6", "headerText" : "02/2014", "group" : [{ "key" : "cmgQty6", "headerText" : "DP", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${cmgDeltaQty6}'>${cmgQty6}</span>{{else}}<span>${cmgQty6}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "cmgDeltaQty6", "headerText" : "Delta DP", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : true, "width" : "10px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${cmgDeltaQty6}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "imgQty6", "headerText" : "ACK", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>{{if ldi.displayLastchange}}<span class='ldi-item-newart-${imgDeltaQty6}'>${imgQty6}</span>{{else}}<span>${imgQty6}</span>{{/if}}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "imgDeltaQty6", "headerText" : "Delta ACK", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : true, "width" : "10px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${imgDeltaQty6}</span>", "format" : "" }, { "key" : "elQty6", "headerText" : "E.L.", "dataType" : "number", "hidden" : false, "width" : "40px", "template" : "<span class='numeric-cell'>${elQty6}</span>", "format" : "" } ], "hidden" : false } ], "colsResizing" : [{ "columnKey" : "status", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "mnemo", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "desCom", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "refCom", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "desTech", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "salesStatus", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "coeff", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "shopCost", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "salesDiscount", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "unitSalesPrice", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "discountRate", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "typeArt", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "codeAct", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "libAct", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "globalLeadTime", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "cmgQty", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "imgQty", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "elQty", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "planned", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "lot", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "item", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "subItem", "allowResizing" : true }, { "columnKey" : "cmgQty0", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "cmgDeltaQty0", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "imgQty0", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "imgDeltaQty0", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "elQty0", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "cmgQty6", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "cmgDeltaQty6", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "imgQty6", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "imgDeltaQty6", "allowResizing" : false }, { "columnKey" : "elQty6", "allowResizing" : false } ], "data" : [{ "idLine" : 0, "idNum" : 0, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT8448AB", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 1, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "", "desCom" : "MD: WS ULTRA25 SOL2.10 FOR TDM", "refCom" : "HT8448AB", "desTech" : "MD WS SUN ULTRA25 PACK", "salesStatus" : "Y3 - Under Comm. waiver", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 11842.5195, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IV", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 0, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 1, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 1, "cmgQty0" : null, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : null, "cmgQty6" : null, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : null }, { "idLine" : 1, "idNum" : 2, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT8338DA", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 2, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "", "desCom" : "TPM700 Vehicle installation kit without cable", "refCom" : "HT8338DA", "desTech" : "TPM700 KIT INSTAL. VÉHICULE SA", "salesStatus" : "Y1 - Under development", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 0, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 709, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 1, "cmgQty0" : 55, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : 0, "cmgQty6" : 654, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : 0 }, { "idLine" : 2, "idNum" : 1, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT5889CA", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 2, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "", "desCom" : "G2 LCT 1 channel extension kit cipher DP5-2", "refCom" : "HT5889CA", "desTech" : "KIT EXT 1 VOIE LCT G2 (DP5-2)", "salesStatus" : "Y1 - Under development", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 537.1594, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "W", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 8643, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 2, "cmgQty0" : 55, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : 0, "cmgQty6" : 8588, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : 0 }, { "idLine" : 3, "idNum" : 3, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT0392A", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 1, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "O LEVEL SPARE", "desCom" : "SYSTEM CABLE KIT (7.5M)", "refCom" : "HT0392A", "desTech" : "RECH.CABLE SYSTEME 7.5M", "salesStatus" : "Y4 - For sales", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 74.0591, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "W", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 0, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 3, "cmgQty0" : null, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : null, "cmgQty6" : null, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : null }, { "idLine" : 4, "idNum" : 4, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT0506B", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 1, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "O LEVEL SPARE", "desCom" : "TRANSCEIVER BRACKET (VERSION A)", "refCom" : "HT0506B", "desTech" : "KIT SUPPORT BER AUTO MOTO MC96", "salesStatus" : "Y4 - For sales", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 219.9578, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "W", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 0, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 4, "cmgQty0" : null, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : null, "cmgQty6" : null, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : null }, { "idLine" : 5, "idNum" : 5, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT0510A", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 1, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "O LEVEL SPARE", "desCom" : "POWER SUPPLY, DUAL-VOLTAGE 12V-5A-48V/0.25", "refCom" : "HT0510A", "desTech" : "RECH.ALIM COFFRET FIXE", "salesStatus" : "Y4 - For sales", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 181.0273, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "W", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 0, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 5, "cmgQty0" : null, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : null, "cmgQty6" : null, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : null }, { "idLine" : 6, "idNum" : 6, "idArt" : "5210-4150-HT0701A", "newArt" : false, "recSap" : false, "status" : 1, "contractRef" : "", "contractDes" : "", "mnemo" : "O LEVEL SPARE", "desCom" : "SCREW KIT (CAR MOBILE)", "refCom" : "HT0701A", "desTech" : "RECH.ENS.VISSERIE", "salesStatus" : "Y4 - For sales", "coeff" : 1, "shopCost" : 8.6805, "salesPrice" : null, "salesDiscount" : "W", "unitSalesPrice" : null, "discountRate" : null, "typeArt" : "ZTRG", "codeAct" : "IW", "libAct" : "", "globalLeadTime" : 7, "cmgQty" : 0, "imgQty" : 0, "elQty" : 0, "planned" : null, "lot" : 2, "item" : 1, "subItem" : 6, "cmgQty0" : null, "cmgDeltaQty0" : false, "imgQty0" : null, "imgDeltaQty0" : false, "elQty0" : null, "cmgQty6" : null, "cmgDeltaQty6" : false, "imgQty6" : null, "imgDeltaQty6" : false, "elQty6" : null } ]}
you are our last solution
Thanks for your help
Gourdon Julien
I succeeded to reproduce the bug with this script :
@*Reference the Infragistics ASP.NET MVC Helpers Assembly*@@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc@{ Layout = null;}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> <title>Index</title>
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Hi Julien,
I am just checking if the latest reply helped you out or if you require any further assistance on the matter.
I have tried with latest version in native IE8(and IE10) and it seems to work properly. Please check the attached screenshot. I see on your screenshot that headers are green and probably you have made some additional css changes?