In my attachment on the left is the result with not using a primaryKey ( this is desired ). If I use a primaryKey I get what you see on the right.
The header column name for the first column you see is an under score. It does not matter what I set the primaryKey to both cause this strange result.
my data is as follows: [{"_":"Adaptive Control Switch","Value":"1"},{"_":"Adaptive Max ACT to Allow Adaptive Learning","Value":"180"},{"_":"Adaptive Max ECT to Allow Adaptive Learning","Value":"230"},{"_":"Adaptive Min ACT to Allow Adaptive Learning","Value":"-20"},{"_":"Adaptive Min ECT to Allow Adaptive Learning","Value":"150"},{"_":"ADEFTR","Value":"0.000225"},{"_":"Adpative Correction Max Allowed Learned","Value":"0.75"},{"_":"Adpative Correction Min Allowed Learned","Value":"0.25"},{"_":"Amplitude Multiplier for Adaptive","Value":"0.52"},{"_":"Dead Band to Not Adapt","Value":"0"},{"_":"Green Engine Adaptive Gain","Value":"1"},{"_":"Load to Define Decel for Adaptive","Value":"0.14"},{"_":"Max TP to Allow Learning","Value":"1023"},{"_":"Min ECT Temp for Adaptive","Value":"150"},{"_":"Min Load to Allow Learning","Value":"0.1"},{"_":"Number Of Warm Up Counters for Fast Adaptive","Value":"5"},{"_":"RPM to Define Decel for Adaptive","Value":"1000"},{"_":"Switch to Shut Off Kam Fuel Reset","Value":"0"},{"_":"Unique Decel Kam Cell Switch","Value":"1"},{"_":"Warm Up Temp for Adaptive After Start","Value":"120"}]
my column are : [{"headerText":"_","key":"_","dataType":"string"},{"headerText":"Value","key":"Value","dataType":"string"}]
This is how I do my checkboxes in my rows loop
this.gridIDMap.cellAt( 0, rows ).innerHTML = "<input name = 'check" + rows + " align='left' type='checkbox'>" + this.gridIDMap.getCellText( rows, _spaceChar )
Hello seang,
If you have primaryKey, getCellText() requires row data key(primary key), that's why you're facing different behavior.
Try using template, instead of looping through the rows and set them new values.
You're columns definition should look like this:
columns: [ { headerText: "_", key: "_", dataType: "string", template: "<input name = 'check${_} align='left' type='checkbox'> ${_}" }, { headerText: "Value", key: "Value", dataType: "string" } ]
Thanks, Deyan
MY data changes based on many things. The entire use of our software is dynamic not static. So in some circumstances I must add check boxes and other not. This is why I must loop, can this be done?