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igcombo Performance with a Large Data Set (MVC)


I'm trying to wrap my head around the performance considerations for using large data sets with the igcombo.  To provide a little context, here's my relevant View code:

@(Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(model => Model.BrandName)
                    .HtmlAttributes(new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>() { { "class", "col-md-6 item-search-input" } })

The problem is that approximately 35,000 results will be returned from the BrandAutocomplete action.  This makes the combo box completely unusable since each letter typed results in a "contains" search of 35,000 records.

Of course, the problem is not really with the igcombo itself, but with my particular business case.  However, I was wondering if anyone else has needed to use igcombo with a large data set, and if so, are there any ways that I can work with igcombo to make the control feel more usable?  Am I trying to force a control to do something that it isn't really designed to do?  Are there perhaps ways that I can structure my controller action to query the database more efficiently (my ORM is Entity Framework 6)?

Thanks in advance for any advice you have!