and also want to know that how to change the color of grid..Please help me....
Hello Mayuri,
Thank you for posting in our forum!
One possible approach for changing the igGrid style is using the jQuery UI theme roller. It is compatible with the Infragistics components. A detailed article on how to achieve this could be found at the following link:
More information on other style customizations could be found at:
If you need any further assistance or if any additional questions arise please let me know.
Thanks Dimka
right now i have one another query here I want the parent header to be repetitive for each expanded child. In below example I want dr name row will be there for Mohite row( above the mohite row)
Such grid structuring is currently not available in the igHierarchicalGrid. Actually this could be submitted as a new product idea. You can suggest new product ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at <>. Logging a product idea would provide for you a direct communication with our product management team, notifications when new information regarding your ideas become available, opportunity to vote for your favorite requested features
Steps to create your idea:
1. Log into the Infragistics Product Idea site at (creating a new login if needed).
2. Navigate to the product / platform channel of your choice (e.g. WPF, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, HTML5 / Ignite UI, iOS / NucliOS, etc.)
3. Add your product idea and be sure to be specific and provide as much detail as possible. Explain the context in which a feature would be used, why it is needed, why it can’t be accomplished today, and who would benefit from it. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case. Remember that for your suggestion to be successful, you need other members of the community to vote for it. Be convincing!
If you have more questions or comments don’t hesitate to contact me again.
In order to create a custom CSS for the grid it is need all existing styles to be overridden.
I have made a research regarding the colors changing questions for the hierarchical grid. The effect you have described could be achieved for non-dynamically applied styles. I have attached a sample representing a possible solution:
rendered: function(evt, ui){
var tr = $("#hierarchicalGrid").find('[data-id=0]');
var i = 0;
while (tr.length !== 0)
i = i + 1;
var br = '[data-id='+ i.toString() + ']';
var tr = $("#hierarchicalGrid").find(br);
}, …
All parent rows are selected and a custom class is added to them. Feel free to use the sample for custom projects. It could be customized by overriding the .blue1 class.
If you have any further questions or concerns please let me know.
Thanks Dimka!!!
this is very useful for me
Checked your code now I have one another question as I want to add the different colors for name header and product header is that possible please help me
This effect is possible to be achieved. A possible approach is editing the css elements which are associated with the headers which you need to edit. For example, the Name column header text in the parent grid is associated with the id “#hierarchicalGrid_Name” and the Product Name column header text in the first child grid could be accessed with “#hierarchicalGrid_0_Products_child_Name > .ui-iggrid-headertext”:
color:blue !important;
#hierarchicalGrid_0_Products_child_Name > .ui-iggrid-headertext
color: yellow !important;
I have also attached the modified sample for your reference.
Please note that this CSS elements are named regarding the specific column names. So this solution an example and id names will be different for the different scenarios. In order to find easily the id names or paths to elements needed to be customized you might find it useful to test web tools such as the Page Inspector:
Hope this helps. If have any additional questions feel free to notify me.
yes I want the same background color for first child of parent as shown in image but for my grid the number of columns are not fixed as they coming from data base and as the solution given by you previously defines the color with proper name but for that the issue is we have add that much css class for every child cell. Is there any solution that we can get the entire row of child header's of that grid so that's why we are able to add the same css for that row.
and one more thing I want that blue header(parent header ) repetitive for every child with same css.suppose I expand the 3rd row then it should be repetitive for that child also means whatever number of expanded rows there should be same number of repetitive parent header
In order to change text color in all header cells it is needed to use the style below:
If this does not fit your requirements could please give more details on them? Is it needed to change the text color of just particular child grid headers?
A mockup image would be appreciated to investigate further if needed.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you so much
Please let me know if we are able to change the css of entire header row of name and product . as the example given by you is only applicable for to change the single cell of that header. Thank you once again and waiting for your reply