is there a matrix of which feature is compatible with what other features?
I just tried to enable "GroupBy" on a grid with "LoadOnDemand" and I get a message that it is not supported. (I tried grouping with virtualization and, although there is no message, it does not work.)
It seems that "GroupBy" is not compatible with any "large data set" feature, correct? - It does not seem to be "enterprise application" ready.
Anyway, this trial and error is annoying and makes planning impossible.
Also, do you have a larger real-world demo that combines various features of igGrid?
Best regards,
Hello Joern,
Thank you for using our igGrid!
I guess that you mean the Load-on-Demand feature of igGrid.
It’s currently CTP and it doesn’t support GroupBy, Paging and CellMerging.
When the feature is RTM it’ll be described in a topic the compatibility of the feature with the existing ones.
You may find the limitation and the known issues of features integration in the known issues topic.
Feature matrix is not available. The control is complex and there are limitations (which have/don’t have workarounds)
That’s why a simple matrix saying Yes/No won’t present the full features integration.
GroupBy is compatible only with "continuous" virtualization but there is a known limitation:
When igGrid’s continuous virtualization is in use and the Group By feature is enabled, scrolling vertically causes collapsed group(s) to expand.
Thank you for your honest feedback.
Hope hearing from you.
thanks for the quick reply.
Later I did find the "limitations" topic in the documentation and it does help. However, a quick overview (a feature matrix) would be helpfull.
I understand that some combinations have limitations. So, the matrix could include three "states": No, Yes, With limitations
If there were a "No" or "Yes", there would be no need to go through the lengthy "limitations" document. And "With limitations" could link to the topic within the "limitations" document. Would be really helpful.
You wrote: "GroupBy is compatible only with "continuous" virtualization but there is a known limitation: When igGrid’s continuous virtualization is in use and the Group By feature is enabled, scrolling vertically causes collapsed group(s) to expand."
I did not get it to work at all. The grid did not display any groups and the layout was kind of messed up. Do you have a link to a sample?