Any chance? I ty to make use of Infragistics again in a customer project.
I am supposed to show a price series and trade executions overlayed.
I can easily show the price series, I am just missing a way to add custom event markers (2 types, one red, one green) to easily visualize where some event happened.
Sadly there seems not to be any annotation API...
Please advice ;)
I suggest you take a look at our IgniteUI charts and see what best fits your needs. Navigate to the Data Visualization section on the left navigation menu, so you could take a look at the rich samples available:
I have several suggestions for you, which could prove handy: 1) Category Item Highlight Layer:” This sample demonstrates the Category Item Highlight Layer that highlights items in a series that use a category axis either by drawing a banded shape at their position or by rendering a marker at their position. The sample options pane allows you to edit the properties of the Category Item Highlight Layer, such as changing the color of the highlight, outline, thickness and more.”
2) You could also consider showing this additional information as tooltips like here:
3) Sample illustrating a Sparkline with Tooltips and Markers:
4) Further Visual Customization samples:
5) “This sample shows the variety of financial indicators that are supported by the chart control. Financial indicators are exposed as separate chart series types and they complement the financial chart series. Financial indicators provide additional information about stocks prices and trends.”
7) And last but not least - Chart Elements:
Please let me know if how these suggestions work for you!
I am still following this thread. Have you been able to resolve the issue? Please let me know if you have tried my suggestions and how they work for you. Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!
No, None of the "answers" provided did even seem like the question was read at all - they were all totally irrelevant.
I Need annotations, as can be seen in examples for example at
Select "Annotations API" and then the middle Video on the top line and you have exatly our use case - showing exection Points on a Chart. With up and down arrows at the Point where they occured.