I would like to add some additional content to either the Paging Header (shows the page size in use) or to the caption area.
Our idea is to add some additional filtering functionality to the unused area, doing so with make use of the current white space.
If not currently possible out of the box, I would appreciate some advice on how to template these items.
Hello Aidan,
Could you please clarify what functionality exactly you want to achieve in the Paging Header ?
Generally you can append some element to the Paging Header, like in the following forum thread - http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/83941.aspx
Then on click event for example you can call some of the grid filtering methods: http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2014.1/ui.iggridfiltering
Please let me know If I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions regarding this issue.
I am thinking of adding some controls like shown:
and when the user toggles these values the filtering is executed.
From your link are you suggesting I add this by using ui.table.find from within a handler for the headerRendered event?