In iggrid if virtualization property is enabled then when loading data for first time the row height is proper but after we do any grid operation like sorting or updating the row height is getting adjusted with grid height. If row has only one record then it’s occupying full height of the grid after updating. It’s looking very odd. I have attached the screen shot of the grid before and after updating row. Can you please help as to solve this issue?
Hi Team,
Any Update on the above issue.
Let me know if I may be of further assistance.
Hello Bala R,
Thank you for contacting us.
As I understand you have igGrid with virtualization, and on update of any record of the grid, rows heights are changed. In order to reproduce this issue I have created a sample. In my grid I have enabled checkbox Row Selectors and Updating Features. Also I have tested the sample with both fixed and continuous virtualization modes and on row updating the issue doesn't appear.
Although when I am using Sorting truly rows heights are changed when I sort a column with the first click, when I click again (for desc) previously height is restored. Could you please confirm that this is the issue from the image?
The sample is tested with Chrome, Firefox and IE11 browsers.
Online sample:
Looking forward to hearing from you.