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Regarding combo box property

When I am selecting value in a combo box it is working properly. After the selection, when I move my cursor on the selected text of the combo box, the text is not remaining constant  that is text is not displaying. when I move out the cursor from the combo box again the text is displaying. can you please sort out this problem for me. Here I am sending you the code which I have used.

<style type="text/css">

input.button-style {

margin-top: 10px;


.ui-iggrid th, .ui-iggrid th.ui-state-default, .ui-iggrid th.ui-state-hover, .ui-iggrid th.ui-state-active {

text-align: left;

white-space: pre-wrap;


div#layout {

background-color: #777;

padding: 15px;

border-radius: 5px;

/*border-top-left-radius: 5px;

border-top-right-radius: 5px;

border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;

border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;*/


div#layout .left p, div#layout .right p, div#layout .center p, div#layout h3 {

margin: 15px;


div#layout .center {

background-color: #EEE;

color: #555;


div#layout .right {

background-color: #555;

color: #EEE;

border-radius: 5px;


div#layout .left {

padding-left: 20px;

background-color: #EEE;

border-radius: 10px;


div#layout .header {

background-color: #2CBDF9;


div#layout .footer {

background-color: #2CBDF9;


.hidden {

display: none !important;


.ui-datepicker {

width: 360px;




@section Body {



currencies = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Currencies));

components = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model.Components));

function formatCurrency(val) {

var i, item;

for (i = 0; i < currencies.length; i++) {

item = currencies[i];

if (item.Id === val) {

val = item.CurrencyCode;



return val;


function formatComponent(val) {

var i, item;

for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {

item = components[i];

if (item.Id === val) {

val = item.SumitomoPartNumber;



return val;




<div id="layout" style="width: 100%; height: 760px; display: block">

<div id="livepricereportdiv" class="left" style="width: 100%">

<br />

@using (Html.BeginForm("ExportToExcel", "CspModule", FormMethod.Post))




<td><h4> Customer</h4></td>


@(Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(m => m.CustomerItem)






.NullText("Select a Customer")

//.ValidatorOptions(options => options.OnBlur(false).OnChange(false).OnSubmit(true).BodyAsParent(false))








<h4> Project</h4>



@(Html.Infragistics().ComboFor(m => m.ProjectItem)






.NullText("Select a Project")

//.ValidatorOptions(options => options.OnBlur(false).OnChange(false).OnSubmit(true).BodyAsParent(false))







<br />

@*<legend>Export Format</legend>

<input type="radio" id="CurrentPage" name="exportType" value="false" checked="checked" />

<label for="CurrentPage">Current Page</label>

<input type="radio" id="AllPages" name="exportType" value="true">

<label for="AllPages">All Pages</label>*@

<input type="submit" id="exportsubmit" value="Export To Excel" />


<br /><br />



<br />

<div id="LivePricesGrid">










.Columns(column =>


column.For(x => x.Id).HeaderText("Id").Hidden(true);

column.For(x => x.ComponentId).HeaderText("Component").FormatterFunction("function(val) { return formatComponent(val); }");

column.For(x => x.EffectiveStartDate).HeaderText("Effective Start Date");

column.For(x => x.EffectiveEndDate).HeaderText("Effective End Date");

column.For(x => x.CurrencyId).HeaderText("Currency").FormatterFunction("function(val) { return formatCurrency(val); }");

column.For(x => x.SellingPrice).HeaderText("Selling Price");


.Features(features =>








.ColumnSettings(cs =>















<input type="hidden" name="pageSize" id="pageSize" value="" />

<input type="hidden" name="pagenumber" id="pageNumber" value="" />






$(function () {

var grid = $("#LivePricesGrid"),

pageSize = $("#pageSize"),

pageNumber = $("#pageNumber");



grid.on("iggridrendered", function (e, ui) {

pageSize.val(grid.igGridPaging("option", "pageSize"));

pageNumber.val(grid.igGridPaging("option", "currentPageIndex"));


grid.on("iggridpagingpageindexchanged", function (e, ui) {



grid.on("iggridpagingpagesizechanged", function (e, ui) {





$("#exportsubmit").igButton({ labelText: $("#exportsubmit").val() });



var updates, loadingIndicator;

$(function () {

$.ui.igValidator.defaults.showAllErrorsOnSubmit = true;

$("#customerCombo").on("igcomboselectionchanged", function (e, args) {

var customerId = $("#customerCombo").igCombo("value");

var postData = { "CustomerId": customerId };

$.getJSON("/CspModule/GetProjectsbyCustomerId", postData, function (returnData) {

$("#projectCombo").igCombo("option", "dataSource", returnData);



$("#projectCombo").on("igcomboselectionchanged", function (e, args) {

var customerId = $("#customerCombo").igCombo("value");

var projectId = $("#projectCombo").igCombo("value");

var postData = { "CustomerId": customerId, "ProjectId": projectId };

$.getJSON("/CspModule/GetLivePricesbyCustomerIdandProjectId", postData, function (returnData) {

$("#LivePricesGrid").igGrid("option", "dataSource", returnData);


$('.validateOptions').attr('disabled', 'disabled');





  • 16310
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello venkatesh,

    I followed your code carefully to get your idea and tried a similar scenario. However I was not able to reproduce the behavior you mentioned.  You are trying to change the datasource of the projectCombo after selecting a value in the customerCumbo, does this work ok ? Please clarify at what exact time you see the text disappear - is this the time when you select a value and then do a mouse click outside of the combo ? Does this occur to both the combos or just one of them ?

    I will highly appreciate if you clarify these things for me or if you send me a working sample demonstrating this behavior.

    I will be glad to further investigate this issue for you.

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