Hi Team,
I'm facing difficulty to trigger client event on iggrid row selection, I want to store the selected row ID value into hidden field in my MVC application. It will be helpful if u provide the sample for this.
Hello simpi ,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
You can use the row selection changed event:
That event will fire when a new selection is made via user interaction in the grid.
Note that by design if you trigger selection programmatically, for example via the selectRow method (http://help.infragistics.com/jQuery/2014.1/ui.iggridselection#methods:selectRow ), then the related event will not be triggered.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer II
Infragistics, Inc.
Thank u so much for your reply. Now I'm able to get row index of selected row usinf following script
function handler(event, args) {
//return reference to row object var i= args.row.index;//var i= args.row.element["BaselineId"]; alert(i); }
Could u please help me how to retrive primary key value or any cell value in a selected row.
Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for the solution, it helped me to solve my problem :)
There are methods in the igGrid which you can use to get a specific cell text or value:
If there’s a primary key set for the grid, then for each row a “data-id” attribute will be generated that will correspond to the key for the specific row.
You can get that attribute value from the row dom element: $(ui.row.element).attr(“data-id”);