Is there a way to allow only 2 levels deep for nodes? I need parent and child only. I have tried explicitly checking for existence of a parent node and parent.parent node but that doesn't seem to work.
Any ideas?
Hello Mark,Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support!
Could you specify what do you mean by two levels deep for nodes? If you provide a code sample will be better.Thank you in advance!
In this case, I think an image would work better.
I would like there to be only root level and children, disallowing the insertion of children to children. In essence, a map of level 0 and 0_0 but nothing at level 0_0_0. Should I just check for path separators? Is there a more elegant way?
In case the pic doesn't show up, here's a text example:
Here's what I don't want:
Hello Mark,Thank you for choosing Infragistics components!I am glad that you have resolved this. If I may be of any further assistance please let me know.
I was able to accomplish this by using a split string function:
if (parentNode != null && (node.path.split("_").length) == 1 ) { var nodeText = "nodeText"; $("#tree").igTree("addNode", { Text: nodeText }, parentNode); $("#tree").igTree("expand", parentNode); }