we are using Iggrid with virtualization set to true and virtualizationMode set to "continuous", and there are around 23 columns we are displaying with sorting option for each of these columns and with horizontal scroll in grid
The issue. i am seeing is if i try to sort the 20th or 21st column, after column sorting the focus returns(reset) to first column and the focus does not stay on the column where i did the sort.
and it looks everything works fine if i make the virtualization set to false, but this virtualization is required since we are loading huge amount of data (40,000 rows).
Please help me in solving this issue and let me know if i am missing any settings.
Hello Rakesh,
I am assuming this issue occurs only for columns which have to be scrolled to to be visible? It would be helpful to know which version you are using and whether the issue is browser specific. I have tested this scenario with the latest SR for 14.1 under Chrome, FF and IE11 but am so far unable to replicate the behavior. Attached is my test sample for your reference. Please feel free to modify it in order to illustrate the issue.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any updates or questions.
Thank you very much for your Answer,
Yes the issue is with only for columns which have to be scrolled to be visible, and I am working on IE 10 and it looks not specific to browser because I have checked your example in IE10 and its working fine. and same settings I have used for my iggrid but its not working, and one more difference is, in my application iggrid is loaded inside the igdialog, so does this causes issue ?
I am using version 14.1.
Hello Petar
Sorry for delay.
I did further analysis and it looks that the Infragistics library file we are using is causing issue.
the file "infragistics.lob.js" you used in your example is of version Infragistics.Web.ClientUI Combo 13.2.20132.2300
and we are using the version Infragistics.Web.ClientUI Combo 13.2.20132.1010, which looks to be causing this problem.
I took your example and replaced the jquery and infragistics library files with the one I am using, and found that for "infragistics.lob.js" if I use the version Infragistics.Web.ClientUI Combo 13.2.20132.1010, I am able to reproduce issue in your example.
So, please let me know is this the real problem, or do I need to use the latest version.
Please feel free to contact me if you are still experiencing issues with this scenario.
Thank you for the additional information.
Unfortunatelly I am still unable to reproduce the issue even in an igDialog in Chrome, FF, IE10 and IE11. What Doctype is being used in your application? Is the page being forced into compatibility mode in IE ? (IE7 document mode + IE10 browser mode) In order to allow me to investigate this further, an isolated sample demonstrating the behavior would be greatly appreciated.