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Selection issue with IgGrid


We recently upgraded to your new 14.2 software and I am experiencing some issues I had not noticed before. A big one was that the function we bound to the check boxes was firing three times per click.

     //Only show the Toolbar for Grid Modification Options if a Row is selected in the Grid
     $("#grid").bind("iggridselectionrowselectionchanged", toggleToolBar);

     $('#grid').bind("iggridrowselectorscheckboxstatechanged", toggleToolBar);

toggleToolBar is being call from nowhere else in our code, however it is ran three times on select and three times on deselect. Is this supposed to be like this?

Also, I noticed with your new bootstrap theme we can use on the grid, the row behaves oddly when you select it. Mainly, It blanks out the entire row unless you hover over it. I will attach a few screenshots to show what I mean. 


  • 10240

    Hi Julie,

    I pulled together a sample draft to test for this issue. I've attached it here to this thread for your reference. I will ask that you finalize the sample such that it reproduces this issue and send back to me. Once I have a sample that reproduces this issue I can proceed to look further into this for you.

    This project is developed with VS2013 and uses the Infragistics MVC5 14.2 assembly.

    As a note, to account for file size constraints for uploads, I omitted the project's Packages, obj, bin, scripts, and content folders. You will need to add these resources back in to run this project.


    Thanks Julie.

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