I'm setting my igGrid datasource to an ig.DataSource object that has fitltering and sorting configured. The igGrid is not displaying the up down arrows icons on the column headers even though the columns are sorted. If I open the multi sort dialog and make a change, then the icons show accordingly. Is there a way to force/refresh the grid to show the sort icons?
My ig.DataSource configuration looks like this:
sorting: {
type: 'local', caseSensitive: false, mode: "multiple", persist: true, expressions: [{fieldName: "lastName", dir: "asc"}, {fieldName: "firstName", dir: "asc"}] }
Hello John,
Thank you for posting in the Infragistics community !
In this scenario the the igDataSource sorts the data and grid is bounded to a sorted data. However no sorting is executed on the grid itself to force it to show the arrows. However after you open the sort dialog window of the grid and sort again then properly the arrows are shown.
What you can do is handle the DataBound event of the grid and get the sorting expression. Then you can call the sortColumn method of the igGRidSorting widget using the same expression.
Review the attached sample for demonstration.
Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance to you.
Thanks, this worked. I did find a strange behavior that tripped me up a few hours. I'm using the angular directives. I had to change my HTML markup to get this working. I changed from <div> to <table>. It seems odd that this would matter.
<div data-ig-grid="gridOptions" id="employeeGrid"></div>
<table data-ig-grid="gridOptions" id="employeeGrid"></table>