I know that with the event groupedColumnsChanged , i have access to some element of the plug-in. how can i call the resize function from there ?
I tried ui.owner.resize or ui.owner.grid.resize and i get an error of undefined.
Thank you for you help
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About your question, resize method cannot be accessed through the ui parameter. Resize method is part of Resizing feature, so my suggestion is to access it through there.
Online sample:
The sample is showing how to resite the grouped column in groupedColumnsChanged event.
Code snippet:
features: [ { name: "GroupBy", groupedColumnsChanged: function (evt, ui) { if(ui.groupedColumns.count() != 0){ $("#" + ui.owner.grid.id()).igGridResizing("resize", ui.key, 100); }else{ $("#" + ui.owner.grid.id()).igGridResizing("resize", ui.key, 400); } } }, { name: "Resizing" } ],
Thank you for your answer, i've tried it and it almost worked, because what i tried to do is resize the column to 0. but even if a set it to 0, it still can see it. I know that i could use hideColumn instead, but i faced a problem when i tried to use the hideColumn method in my particular case, so i thought i could try this way.
So if i want to set by code the column to 0, what settings do i have to consider ? i haven't set the grid width, but i've set the columns width with percentage , do i have to use pixel instead ? do i have to recalculate the columns width after resizing one to 0 ?
thank you in advance for your help