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Grid Remote Sorting Java Example

Hello All,

I have a couple of questions

My task is to integrate ignite UI with Tapestry5 web application. In Tapestry I can generate an URL and send it to javascript and tell javascript to call this URL when an event takes place.  The URL which responds to this data is something like this "/index.mintignitetable:getSortedData". The absolute URI is http://localhost:8180/index.ignitetable:getdata

How can I call this URL from the grid to get remote sorting facility? 

Is it possible to get a working example. With normal Servlet or servlet based frameworks? 

Is it necessary for the url to be REST-ful?

Thanks in Advance,

Parents Reply
  • 2355
    Offline posted in reply to Sumanth Shankar



    The value of sortUrlKey is the parameter that is sent to the server in order to initiate a sorting action. We are using only on “entry point” (URL) for every action(sorting, paging, filtering, etc.). And we are sending this parameter in order to differentiate between the actions. If you have two different URLs for different types of data you can cancel the columnSorting event and change the dataSource of the grid.

    I hope this helps!


    Kind regards,

    Petko Zhekov

    Software Developer
