We face following problems how to fix that like showing in sample snapshot?
Thank you for your feedback. Here is how to:
1) we need to round values of Open, High, Low, Close upto two decimals
Sorry I didn't understand you correctly initially. To round a number to two decimals you can use Math.round:
Math.round(x * 100) / 100;
2) volume value with a comma as a separator
you can achieve that using native javascript .toLocaleString();
3) when you stay at a point for a few seconds month change automatically, and tooltip is not showing of the visited points when we re-visit t the point
I am currently looking into this and will update you with my findings
4) when we fix the position of legend div than its create problem. You can check it by reduce the browser window height and width.
Please specify how do you want the legend to behave in such scenarios - for example minimining the browser width. Currently the legend stays on the same place, but appears on top of the dropdowns that are otherwise left aligned.
Please see the updated sample that fixes 1) and 2) using the above suggested,
Hi Hristo,
Thank you for your response, Please see attached snapshot for browser version.
Hi Elinder,
I was not able to reproduce error 1) using IE 11. Which verson do you use ?
I updated the sample to meet your other requirements - the legend to stay at the top right corner and formatting the values in the tooltip. Actually formatting the values in the tooltip is not real formatting, it just changes the innerText of the element that holds those. Please see the attached modified sample and let me know if it meets your requirements.
Some times we face following error, When this error appeared chart is not displayed, we need to close the application and re-visit the page again. How to fix that error?
Please also fix that issue in sample application.
Thank you so much for your quick response, I create my sample application